fandoms: orv, qqgk, genshin, jjk, fate, fire emblem, s-classes ( fandoms can be negotiable )
ships i can write: joongdok, plotja, spod, sangsoo, jiuhuo, xiaoaether, xiaoven, tartali, satosugu, fushiita, dimileth, hjyj ( non-reverse writer, can inquire for ships )

will write: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, AUs, platonic fics, and nsfw ( please inquire about tropes / kinks first. )
will not write: vore, NTR, furry, mecha, dead dove.



1. PAYMENT FIRST. there is no refund once you drop off 50%, 75% or full payment, so be firm in your decision.
2. your fic will be done within weeks or a month and so, you will be notified of major progress before completion.
3. if you have any changes you want beyond the initial agreement, you are eligible to two (2) free revisions, beyond that would be a $5 charge.
4. please be patient, i am also a student so i may not be able to finish within weeks or a month and may extend some time, you will be informed should i need extension.
5. excess words committed by me will not be charged, it is left as is; tipping is fine but not necessary nor required!
6. your fic will be posted on ao3 but it also won't be posted if you prefer and it will instead be a pdf file for your own consumption. pdf files come with a free cover and thank you note.
7. do not repost or claim my writing as your own!
8. i reserve the right to use your commissioned fic as a part of my portfolio.
9. all prices are set in USD and in how many coffee needed, filipino clients get automatic discounted prices and may use another payment method.
10. filipino clients, your pricing is different so do not follow the coffee listings, please wait for my response to your DM or email with a converted price for the word counts.
11. if i am unfamiliar with the fandom you want and its ship, i reserve the right to refuse the commission.
12. i will give you a outline of the fic you have commissioned, if you do not like some parts, feel free to change it as you will then i will work on your commission.
13. one-shots or multichapter fics are both applicable, but please be specific with what you want; that includes ideas, genres, and the like.
14. 6K words is the max limit and will take longer to produce, it is also the most expensive one to avail. this will need a lot of talking and your full commitment to waiting.

please be sure about your decision before commissioning me!


( be sure to read the t&c )

$5 - 1 coffee500 words
$10 - 2 coffee1k words
$15 - 3 coffee2k words
$20 - 4 coffee3k words
$25 - 5 coffee4k words
$30 - 6 coffee5k words
$35 - 7 coffee6k words

( you can request extra words, $10 per 1k words )


( upfront payment system )

Buy Me a Coffee onlyGCash or PayMaya

DM or email to inquire / commission me!